So much to celebrate. So much, that I need to write in baby boy blue. Everyone, minus my sister and my friend Robyn, SWORE I was having a girl. They felt girl, they thought girl, they dreamed girl. And really, their chances were 50%, so I'll give them that. But, I have felt, from the day I peed on that stick that we were having another boy. Even when I got the pukes WAY more than last pregnancy. Even though I'm carrying this baby down by my thighs versus under my boobs in my last pregnancy. I just felt BOY.
Both pregnancies, I haven't hoped for either sex, just for healthy babies. I never wanted to hope for something and then get let down. Its still a cute, cuddly, gooing baby boy or girl. I sent out a mass text saying it was a boy and got no less than 5 back saying "awwww, at least you can reuse all your stuff." So I felt the need to send another text that said "I'm excited about my boy!!!!" I truly am. With them being less than 2 years apart, its great to have two boys. And quite frankly, I've done the boy thing, I think I'm doing okay at it, and I've totally enjoyed it, let's do it again!!!
And there's always been this little part of me that knows that deep down, I always wanted a BABY girl, but not a pre-adolescent or teenage girl. There is a little thing called karma, and I don't want to get into details, but I was a hormonal, eye rolling, "MOM, ugh", teen girl that infused the words "like" and "whatever (cue eyeroll) into every sentence. When you hear you are having a girl, you think this:

Yes, cute little clothes, bows, dresses, purses, ruffles, tights, Mary Janes, rompers, fun fun fun. Then there's this little part of me that would think about this possiblitity:

You can tell she just told her mom to shove it. I think we were meant to have boys. So, forget about bows and Mary Janes. Bring on the dirt, sticks, and soccer cleats. I'm ready.
And to finish, I must include the first offspring of Sara and Rob Qualls. Here he is dancing to Ring On It by the Chipmunks.
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