Friday, December 3, 2010

2 months and still precious!

You are having to restain yourself from jumping in the computer and kissing those cheeks, aren't you?

Max is now 2 months old. He is a smiling, googling sack of snuggliness. He loves milk, a soft chest, and to be swaddled and placed in the swing. Please do not leave his arms to their own vices, they have a mind of their own and if not contained, no sleep will happen.

Belly issues are better, but not great. His belly is an angry place somedays and I have pretty much decided that the new IN look is to have one or more spit up stains on your shirt..Poor kid.

1 comment:

  1. Tell Max he's welcome to join my angry belly club. :( I'm the founder and currently the only member. It's highly exclusive. And NOT cool.
    Still precious indeed!
