I'm going to play captain obvious to those that follow me on Facebook or Instagram for a sec. Even if you know the main parts, some of it will be new to you. And if you still are annoyed: sowwy.
Rob and I have always wanted to live in Fayetteville, AR. It is a smaller than Little Rock, less crime, less city, more family, more friends, more nature. We blogged about it. We talked about it. We whined and cried and burned up the road between Little Rock and Fayetteville. But we had good jobs in Little Rock. First, I did, I wanted to work with kids and a Children's Hospital is only found in Little Rock if you are in Arkansas. Then Rob got his job and it allowed me to stay home with the chillens. Every one around us was sick of hearing about how we wanted to live in Fayetteville and they all believed we'd never leave.
But then we started really feeling the itch. Every bad day felt like it could be fixed if we didn't live so far from family. If we didn't have to commute to get anywhere. Rob's 80 mile round trip commute was getting really old. My 1 hour trip to get kids to school, then to work was getting old. Things at both our works were....different. The pull to stay because we had awesome jobs was no longer there.
So, we decided to start fixing our house up to put on the market. The first order of business was replacing our floors. Memorial Day weekend we purchased 1200 square feet of new floors. We had our master bathtub replaced and fixed a place in our ceiling where a burst waterpipe had leaked. It felt good to get the ball rolling. We thought we'd flip the house over the summer, put it on the market and maybe move while Rylan was off of school for Christmas break. Tentatively.
And then:
A couple of weeks into June, my sister Tammy, saw a friend of hers at a restaurant, in Fayetteville. The friend is in the IT business (Rob's business) and was saying how tired he was because he was working like crazy because he was missing two Network Administrators (Rob's title). My sister called that day to tell Rob about the job and Rob was in Fayetteville two weeks later for an interview.
In the meantime, I started a "last time visit to all our favorite places" tour of Little Rock. You know, JUST IN CASE. I should have been painting and laying floors just in case, but it was easier to go to the zoo. First stop was the zoo with our neighbor Renee and her grandson. We had so much fun.

And then we had an awesome July 4
We found out July 11 that he got the job. They gave him a pretty big window for when he could start so at first we thought we had maybe a month and a half or more. And then we looked at our 5 year old almost Kindergartner and said "oh $hit! we have to move before school starts!!!!!!!" And then we did some research and found out that 1/3 of Fayetteville Elementary Schools do year-round schooling and their year started on August 5!!!!!!! Holy moly.
To be continued..................
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